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How to Cheat on Online Test

Online tests are becoming the new method of examining student’s abilities in recent times. All thanks to the Covid-19 pandemics. As an attempt to maintain social distancing and possibly discourage the spread of the virus.

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How to Cheat on Online Test

How to Cheat in Exam

Examinations are the school’s way of assessing how much knowledge a student has accumulated. Therefore, a student has to take exams from time to time before progressing in his academic pursuit.

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How to Cheat in Exam

How to Get Good Grades in College

The outcome of your academic career depends largely on your grades. So, naturally, students are always thinking about how to get good grades in college. If you feel like you are giving it all but are still unable to get the grades that you want, here are 10 tips that can help you immensely.

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How to Get Good Grades in College

How to Get Into College With Bad Grades in High School

As students, we all strive to get good grades. Sometimes, grades slip for various reasons. It could be a personal issue or even difficulties that you faced with particular subjects. No matter what the cause is, every student struggles with the fear of not being about to get into college without good grades. While it is true that Ivy League colleges or top universities may be a challenge, you still have several options for higher education.

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how to get into college with a low gpa