Thesis Vs Dissertation: What is The Difference?

If you are a student who is looking at pursuing higher studies, it is important to understand the difference between thesis and dissertation. While they are both lengthy and extensive papers, there are several differences in terms of the purpose and the approach.
Here is a complete understanding of what is the difference between thesis and dissertation so that you can meet the specific requirements when working on them in the future.
Dissertation Vs Thesis: Type of Degree
The type of degree that you are pursuing usually determines whether you need to write a thesis or dissertation. Normally, a thesis is required for a master’s degree and a dissertation is required for a doctorate degree. However, this is not always true when you are trying to understand the difference between thesis and dissertation. In some cases, students pursuing a master’s degree program may have a non-thesis or thesis option. However, if one wants to pursue a doctoral degree, they are encouraged to choose an option as a foundation for writing a dissertation which is mandatory at this level.
Thesis Vs Dissertation: Purpose of Writing
The intended purpose is an important factor to consider when you are trying to understand the difference between a thesis and a dissertation. A thesis is structured to improve the understanding of a particular field of study. Therefore, the students formulate a proposition that is based on existing papers and work in their respective fields. The goal is to analyze previous work and provide a different point of view. On the other hand, when it comes to a dissertation, a doctoral studies student must write an original paper with his or her hypothesis as a base. The goal is to prove or disprove the hypothesis.
However, it is essential to note that the term doctoral thesis or dissertation has different meanings in various parts of the world. Given below is a better understanding of how they differ in European Universities and those in the United States.
Thesis versus Dissertation: Universities in Europe
In European Universities, doctoral thesis versus dissertation has different implications and requirements. The doctoral thesis is an original paper that is written in order to complete a PhD program. On the other hand, a dissertation is considered a broader undergraduate research project. Over the years, the structure of a thesis has evolved, requiring more groundwork, extensive citations, and references. However, the focus still remains on the original hypothesis and the outcome of this hypothesis.
Difference Between Thesis and Dissertation for Universities in the USA
In Universities in the United States, however, the meaning of a thesis is quite different. It is important for students who are applying to these universities to learn the meaning of doctoral thesis or dissertation is important. A thesis, which is shorter than a dissertation, is considered a preliminary degree before applying for a doctorate in these universities. In fields related to science, students of a master’s degree program are encouraged to take up advanced courses that help them gain hands-on experience doing research projects. The goal is to gain technical expertise. However, for fields like chemistry, a thesis is not mandatory to get a PhD in most universities in the United States.
If you still have questions about what is the difference between a thesis and a dissertation, you can also hire professional writers to help you complete your project successfully. These experienced writers understand the requirements based on the University that you are studying and the guidelines provided for your dissertation or thesis and provide crisp and well-structured papers.
Do I need to write a thesis to pursue a doctorate program?
Students have the option of choosing a non-thesis course and many fields of study in the United States, do not have a mandate on writing a thesis in order to pursue a doctorate. Whether you need to write a thesis or not depends on the University that you are studying in and the course you are pursuing.
How is a doctoral thesis different from a dissertation?
In the USA, the difference between a doctoral thesis or dissertation is that a thesis is a shorter research project that is required as a preliminary course for certain Master’s degrees.
Can I provide a hypothesis based on existing research for a doctoral thesis?
The primary difference between thesis and dissertation is the purpose. A doctoral thesis requires an original hypothesis that can use references to existing work in order to prove or disprove the hypothesis.
Which one is longer, a dissertation or a thesis?
A dissertation is a more elaborate paper that requires extensive citations and references. On the other hand, a thesis is a broader research paper that is not as extensive and is intended to help the student gain more understanding of his or her field of study.
How is a dissertation different in the UK and USA?
A dissertation is part of a master’s degree and is a broader research paper in the UK. In the USA the difference between a doctoral thesis or dissertation is that the latter must be written in order to complete the PhD program while the former is considered a preliminary research project that helps gain entry into a PhD program.